Teacher: Santos Alberto Cruz Vega.


Subject: Information and Communications Technology.

Section: B


Topic: Partial activity of third period.


Student: Jaime Stanley Martinez Flores.


Due to: Friday, June 7, 2024.



Objective: To raise the quality of education in the classroom by using technologies that improve efficiency in the learning process.


Direction: Recognize the value of utilizing technology in the education system to improve student´s performance.


Technology is the use of conceptual knowledge to accomplish practical objectives, particularly in a repeatable manner.


How useful is the tool?


Technology gives students access to knowledge, accelerates the learning process, and offers enjoyable possibilities to practice what they learn.


How would you apply it to your classes?


I would apply it in my classes to motivate students to actively participation with the material being studied by using computers, tablets or other devices.



Advantage and Disadvantage to use it in classes:


Advantage: It improves collaboration for students because they are able to share information and help each other while they are working on it.  

Disadvantage: It creates distraction in the class because students can become addicted to Social Media, and they can prefer to check it during the lesson.



Objective: To make it simple for students to create movies with narration, incorporating music, images and video.


Direction: Understand the pros and cons of using movie maker in the classroom.


Movie Maker is the video editing program that is included with Windows XP.



How useful is the tool?


Windows Movie Maker allows learners to develop skills to understand films better.


How would you apply it to your classes?


I would apply it in my classes to choose a topic for a video project in order to summarizing a lesson, creating a digital story or recording a class activity.


Advantage and Disadvantage to use it in classes:


Advantage: Movies can be useful for learning styles because it help students to understand better a topic given in the school class.  

Disadvantage: Movies can be very long and it can take an entire week of classroom time.



Objective: To encourage students to use lessons or quizzes about any topic in order to comprehend a subject much better in the class.


Direction: Know the necessity about the use of quizizz in the classroom to develop projects that help the relation between teachers and students.


Quizizz is a learning platform that offers multiple tools to make a classroom fun and interactive.


How useful is the tool?


It allows you to create both teacher-paced and student-paced quizzes and lessons.


How would you apply it to your classes?


I would apply it in my classes to incorporate teachers and students from other degrees because it would be a good idea to increase participation in different activities.


Advantage and Disadvantage to use it in classes:


Advantage: It is free and easy to use for education purpose.

Disadvantage: It can not be accessed without internet connection.

Objective: To inform about advantages and disadvantages of social media in use of teaching-learning process.


Direction: To comprehend the use of social media in the education system and its pros and cons of it.


Social Media refers to a digital technology that permits to create and share all kind of information virtually with different people.


How useful is the tool?


Teachers have the power to increase their students´engagement in their coursework and education.


How would you apply it to your classes?


I would apply it to organize group projects, coomunicate with teachers and classmates outside the classroom, and share important information about a topic studied.





Social Media stimulates relationship between teachers and students.

It encourages students to participate in the classroom.

It can be useful for homework assignment.




Social Media can be a distractor for teachers students.

An improper use of social media can be dangerous.

Cyber Bulling is very common in social media.


Zero Conditional.


Objective: To understand the use of zero type conditional in scientific facts and general trues.


Direction: Read the structure of zero type conditional and complete the exercises below.




In zero conditional sentences, the tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple present .


If clause (condition)

Main clause (result)



If + simple present

simple present



If this thing happens

That thing happens.





ü If you heat ice, it melts.

ü Ice melts if you heat it.

ü When you heat ice, it melts.


It is important to know that you use the condition (If/When) at the beginning of the sentence, you always place comma before the result, but if you place the result first, you don´t have to place it.


Exercises: Complete the following sentences using the correct tense into parenthesis:


1. If you _______ (to mix) red and green, you _______ (to get) brown.

2. If you _______ (to drop) a glass on the floor (to drop), it _______ (to break).

3. If babies _______ (to be) hungry, they _______ (to cry).

4. When you _______ (to add) sugar, the sauce _________ (to taste) sweet.

5. Water _______ (to boil) if you ________ (to heat) it 100 °C.

6. Plants _______ (to die) if they ________ (not/to get) enough water.

7. If you _______ (to put) water in the freezer, it _________ (to become) ice.

8. When the sun ________ ( to rise), the street lights ________ (to go out).





